Muhammed-Khwaja Abu  фото

Muhammed-Khwaja Abu

Объединенные Арабские Эмираты, Dubai 18.6.1984


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ID VK 201266198

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Фамилия Muhammed-Khwaja

Имя Abu

Пол Мужской

Дата рождения 18.6.1984

Страна Объединенные Арабские Эмираты

Город Dubai

Семейное положение не женат/не замужем

Контактная информация

Instagram Нет данных

Телефон Нет данных

Сайт Нет данных

Skype amkhwaja01

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Twitter Нет данных


Intel Space Building Contracting
c 2012 по 0
Business Development Manager


ICFAI University
Год окончания: 2007


Нет данных о школе

Личная информация

Деятельность Не указано

Интересы Не указано

Любимая музыка Не указано

Любимые фильмы Godfather

Любимые телешоу Не указано

Любимые книги 48 Laws of Power Art of War Book of Five Rings Heroes and Hero Worship The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Rich Dad Poor Dad

Любимые игры Не указано

Любимые цитаты "Face it. Nobody owes you a living, What you achieve or fail to achieve in your lifetime is directly related to what you do or fail to do. No one chooses his parents or childhood but you can choose your own direction. Everyone has problems and obstacles to overcome but that too is relative to each individual. Nothing is carved in stone, you can change anything in your life, if you want to badly enough. Excuses are for losers: Those who take responsibility for their own actions are the real winners in life. Winners meet life's challenge head on, knowing there are no guarantees, and give it all they've got. And never think its too late or too early to begin, time plays no favorites and will pass weather you act or not. Take control of your life. Dare to dream and take risks...compete. If you... aren't willing to work for your goals don't expect other to. Believe in yourself." - Keith Kennedy "You are in this world for a reason, with a mission of your own. Everything in your life, especially intimate relationships ought to be regarded in terms of whether or not they support you in fulfilling that mission."

О себе “GOD of truth, be Thou alone my guide…” I'm inspired by excellence and strive to live a life of Mastery in service to humanity. I am always in training to be the best man, leader and mentor I can be. To discover my fullest potential and bring honor, dignity and nobility to this world. ▒▓▒ •• My quest for ABSOLUTE POWER •• ▒▓▒ In my quest for the mystery of POWER I've realized the principles of Power... Know Thyself. Power is nature under will. You cannot will what you do not know. Learn your passions without judgment for desire is the principal of creation. When your will is aligned with your true self you have power. This is the first secret. As Ye Think, So Shall It Be. Thought is a tool of Power useful only when controlled. Learn to concentrate on a single thought. Make it stand still for you. Also know that thought enters the quantum field where effect is manifest in the collective consciousness which is the creation of reality. This is the second secret. Believe. There can be absolutely no doubts, not a single doubt. Even a hint of doubt or unsurety creates a negative pull that depletes the energy of your thought. Absolute belief in goal, purpose or ritual is mandatory. Only then is the will engaged. This is the third secret. ▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▓▒▒▓▒

Настройки приватности

Профиль скрыт настройками приватности Нет

Профиль верефицирован Нет

Аватарка установлена Да

Можно писать личные сообщения Да

Можно видеть сообщения не стене Нет

Можно видеть аудио пользователя Да

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения либеральные

Мировоззрение Secular Humanism

Главное в жизни саморазвитие

Главное в людях смелость и упорство

Отношение к курению негативное

Отношение к алкоголю негативное

Вдохновляют Не указано

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