Годвин Маркус  фото

Годвин Маркус

Россия, Санкт-Петербург 4.4

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Фамилия Годвин

Имя Маркус

Пол Мужской

Дата рождения 4.4

Страна Россия

Город Санкт-Петербург

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Музикант, Композитор, Основатель Группы THE NOISE OF TIME. Учитель Барабаны и ударние ирструментий

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Страшний Эксаминатор-Преподиватель Английского языка


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Личная информация

Деятельность Musician. Composer. Founder and Leader of the group-THE NOISE OF TIME. Member of FIGS, solo performer, Drum and percussion Teacher. Teacher of English as a foreign language. Oral examiner., PLEASE SEE OUR VIDEOS ON YOUTUBE!!! Where the sound and vision are more or less together!!!

Интересы Music! (not really an interest;simply my life). Literature. Poetry. Psychology. History. International Relations. Cooking. Food and Drink. Nature. Wildlife. Travelling

Любимая музыка Не указано

Любимые фильмы Andrey (04-04)Tarkovsky-especially The Mirror(Zerkalo) and Andrey Rublev. Tarrentino-especially Pulp Fiction. Stanley Kubrick-especially 2001 a Space Odyssey. The Remains of the Day. The Deer Hunter. The Unberable Lightness of Being. Koyaani Squaatsi. The Tin Drum. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. This is Spinal Tap. Sideways. Colenel Redel. The Seven Samurai. V Etoi Strania. A Nos Amours. The Life Of Brian (I don't find it blasphemous) Bernie. Appocalypse Now. France Tour Detour(Goddard) And yes Harry Potter. LEAST FAVORITE FAMOUS FILMS.--Gone with the Wind. Citizen Kane. I've never been able to sit through these so called classics until the end. Last Tango in Paris-What a bore!!!

Любимые телешоу The Singing Detective (Dennis Potter). Play for Today(as was)-Brimstone and Treacle(Dennis Potter) Monty Pythons Flying Circus. Fawlty Towers. The Young Ones. The Comic Strip. Ruddy Hell! It's Harry and Paul. Planet Earth(David Attenborough) and all his brilliant wildlife documentaries. The World at War(Jeremy Issacs) I Claudius. Brideshead Revisited. Channel 4 news( I miss it) Strip Tease( France 3 and no, it's not a sex show) A party for John Cage(Arte D.F.) Sestdesat ( CZ TV) IDIOT ( Russian TV version) No Comment(Euro News)

Любимые книги Oii! Nadyezhda Mandleshtam. Dostoyevsky. James Joyce. Milan Kundera.Franz Kafka. D.H.Lawrence. Tolstoy. Steinbech. Gunter Grass. Andrey Bely. Gogol. Evelyn Waugh. Solzhenitsyn. F.Scott Fitzgerald. Primo Levi. Poetry (Sticky Stixi) Pushkin. T.S.Eliot. Dante. Shakespeare. O.Mandleshtam. Akhmatova. Tsvetayeva. Mayakovsky. D.H.Lawrence.-- The Bible. I Ching (the book of Changes) . Confusious. Lao Tsu. Carl Jung. The St Petersburg Times and The Moscow Times- In our day, Moscow is clearly a more interesting city than Piter(Face it people))

Любимые игры Sabotarging golf courses(When I was ten years old) and Sleeping rough in the forest (Here in Russia, there are to many mosquitos for this noble activity). The second one I mean

Любимые цитаты “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Confucius. Odna devushka kotoraya ja znaiu. " Nu blin .... ! Ti nekagda ne bila na odin iz moix kontsertax! V printsipe, ti Kulturni Korrespondant"! " Nu mozhet bit ja ne TAK kulturnaya"! Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever GIVE UP! Winston Churchill. Every time we perform on stage; no matter where, no matter when; it is the most important moment in our lives so far. Marcus Godwyn 2008. A certain young lady whom I know "Ой! Баню не любю! Это слишком жарка"! Hey! Is that a gun in ya pocket or are ya just pleased to see me? Mae West. A woman needs to know that a man has been tested before committing to him. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. (Cancer Ward). An irritated woman to Winston Churchill. "Oh Winston. You're impossible. If you were my husband, I'd give you a cup of poison to drink" His conclusive rejoinder: "If you were my wife Madam, I should most certainly drink it". Behind (with) every GREAT man, there's a GREAT woman!!! A certain young lady whom I know "Every time I look in the mirror, I just want to rape myself". A nation that forgets its past has no future! Winston Churchill. "What government has to do is to set the framework for human talent to flourish" - Margaret Thatcher

О себе About myself? I'm still finding out! BUT; I've got a damn fine nose and I knows where it goes!

Настройки приватности

Профиль скрыт настройками приватности Нет

Профиль верефицирован Нет

Аватарка установлена Да

Можно писать личные сообщения Да

Можно видеть сообщения не стене Да

Можно видеть аудио пользователя Да

Жизненная позиция

Политические предпочтения монархические

Мировоззрение Orthodoxy

Главное в жизни красота и искусство

Главное в людях доброта и честность

Отношение к курению резко негативное

Отношение к алкоголю компромиссное

Вдохновляют Не указано

Знание языков English|Русский|Français